Sunday, January 23, 2011

Leaders' Conference

After completing the Christian Life Program (CLP) and becoming members of Couples for Christ, it is inevitable for the new CFC members not to embrace its culture.  Aside from the weekly household meetings, there are community activities.  One of the activities to be attended is the annual Leaders' Conference. It is held at the Araneta Coliseum  at the middle of January.  It is usually started with a Holy Mass and is followed with two to three talks about the year's theme to let all leaders know what the directions for the year will be.  For 2011, the theme is "Put on the Full Armor of God" based on Ephesians 6:10-11 which says "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."  In simple words, it means that we have to be steadfast and firm in our faith in the Lord and His mighty power so we don't fall prey to the temptations of the devil.

When Jun and I were still Household Leaders, we usually go to Araneta Coliseum together with our Unit Leaders and the other Household Leaders in our unit.  For our first time to attend the conference, we met somewhere in Cubao for lunch and then proceeded to the venue early so we can be seated giving us a vantage point of the whole proceedings.  I recall we were all very excited and wide-eyed.  It takes on a different meaning when you do things together with people you care about.
The Red Sea
Now that we are already members of the Mission Core Group, I noticed that we attend the Leaders' Conference as a couple, not as members of a household.  Gone is the excitement that was synonymous with earlier outings.  Is it because the Leaders' Conference has lost its mystique to those who have been religiously attending it or that we have become complacent by virtue of our long stay in the community?

P.S.  Photo of the Full Armor of God logo was lifted from the Couples for Christ website.

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